Veit Kubik, PhD
I am a researcher at the University of Würzburg (Section Educational Psychology, Prof. Dr. Tobias Richter).
In my research, I address the following questions: (1) How do we learn, understand, and retain information, specifically in applied real-world contexts? I recently focus here on the acquisition of educationally meaningful information in school and at the university. (2) How can we support (self-regulated) learning by means of retrieval practice, interleaved practice, and generative learning (e.g., journal writing)? (3) What are the cognitive, metacognitive, and motivational mechanisms underlying these learning techniques and instructional principles? (4) How can we implement them in and through educational technologies (e.g., digital learning platforms, instructional videos)?
To address these research questions, I integrate perspectives and methodologies across the research domains of instructional design, technology-enhanced learning, and cognition. I am enthusiastic about open and transparent science.